
An exploration of LD50

To understand poisons we must first understand what LD50 is a measure of. LD50 is a value measured in (mass unit for instance mg)/kg. The LD50 tells us the value we'd have to consume per kg of body mass to kill 50% of people, for instance if a person weighed 70kg we would times the LD50 by 70 to find the mass required to kill that person. A real world example of this would be Arsenic which has an LD50 of 13mg/kg, so if we wanted to find the amount required to have a 50% chance of killing a 100kg person we would do 13mgx100 which is 1300mg. LD50 is a property held by all molecules in our world, the most important distinction however is the size of that LD50. Safe foods we eat everyday have such a large LD50 that it is essentially impossible to ever reach the level of consumption to endanger us, however poisons and toxins have low LD50s with many in the range where even small doses can cause extreme harm. Some LD50's of famous poisons are listed below: Poison Oral L...

Welcome To Toxins and Poisons

Hello! My name is hicupalot and this is my blog regarding toxins and poisons. Toxicology (the study of Poisons and Toxins) has been a hyperfixaiton of mine for some time now and has led to me discovering a great deal about them, from their dangers to the way they cause damage.  This blog will hopefully help you to understand the mechanisms by which these substances act, the relative risks and dangers of them, and I hope you find this blog interesting. As my way of saying hi, lets address the misconception that there is no difference between something being poisonous and something being venomous (Its sort of related to toxicology and it's interesting!). Whilst both eventually will result in the same end for you (Death if the dose is high enough!), the way in which they achieve this is vastly different. Lets first begin with poisons. Poisonous organisms act through ingestion, this is how many infamous poisons work, for instance Arsenic and Deadly Nightshade. Whilst many organisms are...